Fantasy Fiction
A Christmas Carol
Life: it will hurt you sooner or later. You can respond one way or the other: with faith in compassi..
A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court
Hank Morgan, an engineer living in Hartford, Connecticut in the late 19th century, gets knocked out ..
A Witch Shall Be Born
Written in a few days in the spring of 1934 and published by Weird Tales that same year, A Witch Sha..
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, also known as Alice in Wonderland, written in 1865 by Lewis C..
Anthem is set in a dystopian future Dark Age in which totalitarianism has extinguished individuality..
Dorothy and the Wizard in Oz
Dorothy and the Wizard in Oz is the fourth in the Oz series of books written by L. Frank Baum. Illus..
Jewels of Gwahlur
The Teeth of Gwahlur are the legendary jewels kept in the abandoned city of Alkmeenon in the mythica..
Looking Backward: 2000 - 1887
During the economic and social upheaval of the 1870’s and 1880’s the notion of a better social order..
Ozma of Oz
Ozma of Oz (1907) was the third in the Oz series of books by L. Frank Baum and the first that is set..
Queen of the Black Coast
We begin as the ever just Conan has refused to betray a friend to a fascist magistrate in the port c..
Red Nails
Red Nails was the last of the Conan stories written by Robert E. Howard and published in Weird Tales..
Shadows in Zamboula
Originally titled The Man-Eaters of Zamboula, Shadows in Zamboula is one of the original Conan stori..
The Devil in Iron
The Devil in Iron is one of the original Conan stories written by Robert E. Howard and published in ..
The Emerald City of Oz
The Emerald City of Oz (1910) is the sixth in the series of Oz books by L. Frank Baum. We lear..
The Hour of the Dragon
The Hour of the Dragon, also known as Conan the Conqueror, is the longest and one of the last of the..
The Iron Heel
The Iron Heel, published in 1908, is considered the earliest of the novels in the modern dystopian g..
The Marvelous Land of Oz
The Marvelous Land of Oz is the second of L. Frank Baum's Oz books and the sequel to The Wonderful W..
The People of the Black Circle
The People of the Black Circle is the eleventh of the Conan stories published by Weird Tales in thre..
The Prince and the Pauper
The Prince and the Pauper was Mark Twain’s first attempt at historical fiction, published in Canada,..
The Road to Oz
The Road to Oz is the fifth of L. Frank Baum's Land of Oz books. Published in 1909, it recount..
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz is the first in the series of fourteen novels recounting the adventures o..
Through The Looking-Glass and What Alice Found There
Through The Looking-Glass, and What Alice Found There is the sequel to Alice’s Adventures in Wonderl..